Does diversity really include everyone?


As a publicist part of your job is making sure your clients and employees are content with the business’s reputation. But how is that certain if clients, employees, etc. don’t feel represented or included? 


Still in 2021 diversity and inclusion for all is still lacking tremendously in the work world. The Bureau of of Labor Statistics found that about 88% of PR employees are white and 70% of that population is white women. A little over 15% of the Pr population is people of color.  But even if the work place became more divers of different races and sex orientations making people feel welcomed and wanted is valued. 


The Author of the article PR Agencies Need  to be More Diverse and Inclusive did a survey of 18 CEOs who worked in firms of the top 100 Pr agencies.  Out of all of the CEO’s only 5 were women and only one was Latino. Most of the CEOs believed equality in the work force either meant a diverse representation of race or a work world of more women. Many only believed in one or the other but not both. 


I believe to better your agency and get more clients you should include a diverse professional work place. Show representation of different people to show you're welcoming to anyone despite their sex or race. It still sad because in some employees surveys people of color felt they had to be more qualified than other white employees. And sadly there’s a $6,000 pay gap between men and women. To fix this the work force should pay equally and do orientations to show the importance of supporting everyone equally. People should also be held accountable if they don’t follow the guidelines. How can PR agents expect clients and outsiders to respect them or be affiliated with them if they don’t represent and include everyone


Chitkara, Angela(April 12,201). Agencies Need to Be More Diverse and Inclusive. Here's How to Start. Harvard Business Review.
